GotoNorway; your new guide to travels in Norway.

We are here to help you plan your trip to Norway. We have just started this new web page and we plan to increase the size of content as we go. Anyway we start wrigthing on our blog now so that you can follow us from the very beginning. Framework for making this page nice and big is already in place, please follow us on facbook, instagram, youtube, Pinterest and other sosial platforms to receive information as we put out more. Please let us know if we should supply some spesial information what you migth miss, and we vill do our best. Or simply send us an email to our email: and we will come back to you as fast as we can.

In adition to all theese recomandations …

we also want to tell alittle bit about things going on in Norway. News, funfakts and topics that migth intrest you. Or just some good stories about life in Norway or about Norwegians or, tourists or whatever interesting comming our way we whant to share it with you. Eitherway We really hope that you will enjoy our page, and partisipate if you feel like. Remember: sharing is caring 😉

As you know, Norway can be an expensive country to visit. We belive that we can help you to make the adventure fit your wallet. Either you want a reasoable price, or a more luxeriouse journey. We want to provide you with spesial experience you can get.

We have to add that the most important thing when visiting Norway is to relax, be your selfe and enjoy every moment in order to get the most out of the trip. Now ; remember to add us on your prefared sosial media and we stay in touch.